Tag Archives: search engine optimization

YouTube Marketing with Allan Pollett

Keyword:  YouTube Marketing

Believe it or not, we are moving right along on Summer 2020’s journey of learning! On July 23, guest host Alan Pollett was kind enough to spend some time with us, talking about YouTube marketing for our July Live Webinar. Allan did a webinar for us back in December 2019 about Twitter Mastery, and we are so thankful to have him back!

Allan is known as “The SEO Guru” for good reason. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  1. Why, even though YouTube is like a search engine, you don’t have to worry quite as much about page rank the way you do a search engine like Google.
  2. Why making and posting a video on YouTube is an excellent way to promote your business and gain new customers.
  3. How to use YouTube itself to research content subjects and keywords that currently rank highly in your country
  4. What the YouTube algorithm looks for when it ranks videos
  5. What the best practices for SEO are to use in your video description
  6. How viewer engagement (even from you) improves your ranking and visibility, and how to encourage it.
  7. Why longer videos are okay
  8. How to make several types of high-quality videos even if all you’ve got at the moment is an iPhone.
  9. Why response videos can get you a lot of views
  10. How you can get topic ideas for your videos

Allan also talks a bit about monetization strategies and the advantages of using Patreon.com to fund making your videos.

Game-Changer Stuff for Our YouTube Marketing

Our Marketing Manager, Sarah Levis, usually posts our videos and does the SEO for them. She thought she was doing okay. However, she’s made some changes to Small Business Solver’s YouTube marketing strategy now that she’s watched Allan’s webinar. Compare her description for this video to the description she wrote for Allan’s previous webinar to see just some of them.

December 2019

Guest host Allan Pollett, The SEO Guru, explains how to make Twitter work as hard for your business as you do! The last webinar of our 2019 series…see you in 2020!

Other webinars that you might enjoy:

Top Free Marketing Tools that Work for Small Business – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToOAo…

The Top Marketing Tools to Get People to Trust You – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWcZ6…

20 Small Business Marketing Tools in a Flash! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cpIm…

July 2020

Small Business Solver’s Live Webinar for July 2020 is all about YouTube Marketing! Guest host Allan Pollett sits down with us and spends almost an hour talking about increase your chances that more people find, watch, and interact with your videos and your channel. Allan’s YouTube marketing tips cover the entire video creation process, so get ready to take notes!

Are you concerned that you don’t have ideas for video content about your business? Allan covers this issue, giving you tips for using YouTube itself to see what kind of information are looking for and resource suggestions for finding out what kind of questions the public is asking about your business. Perhaps your videos can answer them!

You’ll learn how to create a compelling, high-quality YouTube video using just an iPhone and free editing equipment available on the internet, and how to encourage viewers to interact with your video, right in the video itself! (Something Sarah didn’t do in this video, by the way…like and subscribe, people, like and subscribe!)

You’ll also learn how to use YouTube video SEO best practices in the video description during Allan’s discussion of how keywords and phrases, hashtags, tagging, and giving your viewers plenty of ways to contact you gets your video more highly ranked not only on YouTube, but on Google as well! You’ve got space to write a great description, so you should use it!

Speaking of SEO and high rankings, you’ll also want to listen carefully to Allan’s YouTube marketing tactics for getting people to watch your video longer and to interact with it once they’re done. These are important, because YouTube likes videos that people watch through to the end and that have lots of “likes”, “dislikes” and comments, and channels with high subscriber numbers. Here’s a pro tip: Don’t miss Allan’s explanation about why YouTube counts your own likes and comments on your videos as engagement. Don’t be afraid to show your videos some love!

Did you enjoy this video? Watch the first webinar that Allan did for Small Business Solver on Twitter Mastery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE90q…


Allan Pollett does not just do webinars for Small Business Solver. He’s also a highly successful social media and SEO consultant with website development skills and over 20 years of industry experience.

Learn more about Allan Pollett at:

Website: https://www.allanpollett.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/webmarketing…
Twitter: @allanp73
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/allanp73

We are Small Business Solver, and you can learn more about our online e-coaching for small business owners at:

Website: https://smallbusinesssolver.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smallbusines…
Twitter: @businesssolver
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Smallbus…

Thanks for watching! Which of the YouTube marketing tips that Allan discusses will you implement in your next video? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

Different, Right?

We’re curious to see whether our view rates go up.

How about you?

Thanks again to Allan Pollett for taking time out of his busy schedule to teach us about YouTube marketing. We always learn so much when he stops by!

SEO 2015 and Beyond

Search Engine Optimization keeps changing! Small business owners need to keep on top of this to make sure that their small business is found online.

There are some significant changes that happened in early 2015 that you should take note of right now!

Watch this less than 20 minute video to learn everything that you need to know now.

Contact the Expert
Allan Pollett

Marketing Automation for Small Business

When we think marketing we often think advertising. But with business becoming more of a science, there are now marketing software out there that can help grow your business.
Obviously technology is more than just social media and your computer, and this is your opportunity to understand what some of those tools are that could help your business.
Marketing automation is one of the newest techniques out there. And it is becoming increasingly important as by 2020 it is estimated that 85% of a company’s customer interactions will be automated and through technology. This means that these marketing automation best practices are only going to become more important.
The 10 Commandments of Marketing Automation
1. Be 100% customer focused. What are your customers pain points?
2. Be pressure free. Gone are the days of the pushy sales person.
3. Support the internal sale. Remember that you are working with more than the decider when you are selling. There are influencers and other stakeholders you need to communicate with.
4. Marketing automation is part of your integrated inbound marketing strategy.
5. Drive repeat purchases. Keep them engaged!
6. Content driven. Have relevant new content to keep them interested.
7. It must be multi channel. Not everyone uses one communication channels. There are many and they are growing!
8. Reflect interest, not just action. Interest is important too!
9. Accessible no matter how someone is accessing the information.
10. Cross platform. The new normal is using different devices.
Find out more and what software is available through the video!

Contact the Expert
Andrea Orozco

Starting Up Right

Starting up your business can leave you feeling out of your element as you are moving up a huge learning curve. There are a few common pitfalls that you need to look out for.
1. Business structure
2. Planning
3. Testing for your Minimum Viable Product
4. Brand Properties
5. Loyalty / CRM
If you have these components in place, you are much more likely to be successful. Watch the video to understand each pitfall and the best practices around them.


Contact the Expert

Small Business Start-up Professional
The Startup Shop Prez CL

Want more? Here are some additional small business resources:

Lean Start-up: Eric Reis
The Four Hour work Week :Tim Ferris
The Ultimate Question: Fred Reichheld

YouTube’s Powerful Tricks

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This means that it is a huge opportunity for your business to be found.

This video will cover the following;
#1. You need to have a goal and the types of goals your YouTube strategy could have.
#2. Video creation and the different options that are available to you.
#3. Keyword search and how to find out how you should title or describe your video.
#4. Rank your video. There are tons of ways to do this including your title, description, tags, annotations, transcription, channel subscribers, channel authority, video views, video view duration, video feedback, likes/dislikes, favourites, inbound links, social shares, and embeds.
If you don’t know all of the ways to rank your videos, this 37 minute video is for you!

Contact The Expert!

Allan Pollett

Expert’s Resources

Online video tools: Animoto, Xtranormal, Flixpress
Video software: Camtasia, After Effects

Twitter’s Best Kept Secrets

The Twitter-verse continues to expand, and too few businesses understand how to leverage it. Many of Twitter’s secrets are revealed in 30 minutes.


What this video covers is;
– how to shorten your links to give yourself more room for your real message
– how to use hashtags and which ones to use? Especially when tweeting for a specific target market
– when is the best time to tweet?
– how to create a tweet that really speaks to your audience? And how to test or improve you tweets?
– how to add pop or entice people to read your tweet? How to stand out?


Allan Pollett, our social media and SEO guru, brings to light the secrets to get you started.


Link to video: https://youtu.be/sLn4SjBnagg


Contact the subject matter expert

Allan Pollett
t: 905-417-9470
e: allanp73@gmail.com


Other videos to check out

LinkedIn by Allan Pollett: https://youtu.be/szYm9QMHbQ0
Social SEO by KBQ: https://youtu.be/m8hk8HVJH6c
Using Blogging To Grow Your Business by Linda Dessau: https://youtu.be/rIh1oiF5XC0

Simple Website Best Practices

Websites are a normal way to get visibility to your business. But there are some common pitfalls that all entrepreneurs face when trying to get their bang for their buck online.


The topics in this webinar include graphic design basics, website strategy, social media integration, navigation, website platforms, and SEO basics to help you get started.


Website best practices are constantly evolving and these are the hot tips and tricks today.


If you want to learn more, reach out to the subject matter expert;

Kagan Mustafa