Tag Archives: website design

How To Set Up An Ecommerce Website

If you aren’t online, then you are missing out on business.

Especially with the advances, there are some really easy ways to get started. But there are also some complexities that will creep up depending on how you are planning on setting it up.

Some things that will help you figure out what platform and set up that you need for your ecommerce site are:

1. How many products are you selling?
2. What type of products are you selling?
3. How many places are you shipping from?
4. How many places are you shipping to?
5. How many states, provinces, and countries are you shipping to?
6. How many transaction do you have?

Go through the main points of what you need to consider. See some of the options out there. And learn what to look out for.

Contact the Expert

Kagan Mustafa

Writing For The Web

Netwriting or writing on the web is an evolving art. With more and more consumers turning to the web prior to making a purchase, it is becoming a more important medium.

Some of the questions that are answered in this video are;
– how do you write differently for web?
– how do you write differently for mobile phones?
– where do you put the most important messages?
– what are some emerging trends in online writing?

Some best practices when writing in general is to use the inverted pyramid approach where the most important or key points are at the top. Another is to use an active voice and ensure that the message is what the audience is looking for.

Web writing takes these writing best practices and turbo charges them with some other things you need to take into consideration.

1. Simplicity. Web needs to simple. Mobile needs to be even more simple.
2. Scan-able. People read websites in a pre defined order. Make sure your most important messaging are in these areas.
3. Search-able. Traditional search engine optimization best practices are no longer as important. Content (your writing!) is becoming increasingly important and providing relevant and credible information is critical. There is an entire new industry on content marketing based on this requirement.

Contact The Expert

Paul Lalonde
Content Manager

Want the PowerPoint slides?

Paul Lalonde.Web writing

eCommerce 101

Ecommerce is more than the future – it is today!

It is currently a $600 billion dollar industry in Canada and the United States, with over 630 million active websites. Plus it is still growing at a massive rate of 47% annually over the last 12 years.

iDeal Advisor presents this topic with the idea of focusing on conversion rates, reducing abandonment rates, and increasing the value of your website through traffic and revenue. Throughout the video, topics are covered to help you with these three goals.

First it covers that a good landing page is critical. It needs to have;

1. Your logo, images, and branding
2. You need great copy and design pieces.
3. You need a headline that is catchy and simple.
4. A brief body of copy that is succinct and clear.
5. Testimonials.
6. A call to action. What do you want the visitor coming to your site to DO.

Second there is the new SEO (search engine optimization)

1. fresh content
2. social media
3. media releases

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. So make sure that you are using Google Analytics to understand your unique visitors, abandon rates, and conversion rates.

And finally, you need a way to nurture the leads. How do you get conversion from returning visitors or individuals who left your site.

Contact The Expert

The subject matter expert is Craig Hunt, the President of iDeal Advisor.
email: craigh@idealadvisor.com


If you like this video, check out Simple Website Best Practices.

Simple Website Best Practices

Websites are a normal way to get visibility to your business. But there are some common pitfalls that all entrepreneurs face when trying to get their bang for their buck online.


The topics in this webinar include graphic design basics, website strategy, social media integration, navigation, website platforms, and SEO basics to help you get started.


Website best practices are constantly evolving and these are the hot tips and tricks today.


If you want to learn more, reach out to the subject matter expert;

Kagan Mustafa