Tag Archives: online

SEO 2015 and Beyond

Search Engine Optimization keeps changing! Small business owners need to keep on top of this to make sure that their small business is found online.

There are some significant changes that happened in early 2015 that you should take note of right now!

Watch this less than 20 minute video to learn everything that you need to know now.

Contact the Expert
Allan Pollett

How To Set Up An Ecommerce Website

If you aren’t online, then you are missing out on business.

Especially with the advances, there are some really easy ways to get started. But there are also some complexities that will creep up depending on how you are planning on setting it up.

Some things that will help you figure out what platform and set up that you need for your ecommerce site are:

1. How many products are you selling?
2. What type of products are you selling?
3. How many places are you shipping from?
4. How many places are you shipping to?
5. How many states, provinces, and countries are you shipping to?
6. How many transaction do you have?

Go through the main points of what you need to consider. See some of the options out there. And learn what to look out for.

Contact the Expert

Kagan Mustafa

Latest & Greatest Social Media 2014

Social media is always changing!! It is important as a small business owner to stay social mediaon top of these changes and how this will impact your business online.

This 30 minute video talks about how social media is changing and where it is headed. Specific new tools are reviewed and any way that you can use them in small business is discussed.

After the webinar, a few questions were asked.

1. What other goals can you have for your social media?
– you can do market research, marketing testing, and find out how your customers actually feel about your business.

2. How do you decide where to spend your time?
– start with the basic ones, LinkedIn and Twitter are more stable to invest time into. Explore the new social media platforms when you have ‘free time’.

3. How can you think out of the box and become viral in your social media marketing?
– social media isn’t as viral as we all think it is. It is all about reaching a certain threshold where your video or post is highly ranked in its search. To get there, promote to your network and friends. Once you hit the threshold this becomes easier and easier.

Contact The Expert
Allan Pollett




Marketing Automation for Small Business

When we think marketing we often think advertising. But with business becoming more of a science, there are now marketing software out there that can help grow your business.
Obviously technology is more than just social media and your computer, and this is your opportunity to understand what some of those tools are that could help your business.
Marketing automation is one of the newest techniques out there. And it is becoming increasingly important as by 2020 it is estimated that 85% of a company’s customer interactions will be automated and through technology. This means that these marketing automation best practices are only going to become more important.
The 10 Commandments of Marketing Automation
1. Be 100% customer focused. What are your customers pain points?
2. Be pressure free. Gone are the days of the pushy sales person.
3. Support the internal sale. Remember that you are working with more than the decider when you are selling. There are influencers and other stakeholders you need to communicate with.
4. Marketing automation is part of your integrated inbound marketing strategy.
5. Drive repeat purchases. Keep them engaged!
6. Content driven. Have relevant new content to keep them interested.
7. It must be multi channel. Not everyone uses one communication channels. There are many and they are growing!
8. Reflect interest, not just action. Interest is important too!
9. Accessible no matter how someone is accessing the information.
10. Cross platform. The new normal is using different devices.
Find out more and what software is available through the video!

Contact the Expert
Andrea Orozco

Starting Up Right

Starting up your business can leave you feeling out of your element as you are moving up a huge learning curve. There are a few common pitfalls that you need to look out for.
1. Business structure
2. Planning
3. Testing for your Minimum Viable Product
4. Brand Properties
5. Loyalty / CRM
If you have these components in place, you are much more likely to be successful. Watch the video to understand each pitfall and the best practices around them.


Contact the Expert

Small Business Start-up Professional
The Startup Shop Prez CL

Want more? Here are some additional small business resources:

Lean Start-up: Eric Reis
The Four Hour work Week :Tim Ferris
The Ultimate Question: Fred Reichheld

How To Use Blogging To Grow Your Business

Showing up on Google will only get you so far. What will prospective clients find once they land on your website? If you have an effective blog, they’ll find information, value and assistance. They’ll find someone they want to do business with.

You’ll learn how to:
– Create a customized blogging plan that fits your audience, your schedule and your style
– Generate content that your ideal clients are looking for
– Post new content every week without always having to write and research full-length articles
– Promote your blog and business effectively on social media

You can re-use this method again and again to consistently update your blog with valuable content. Use this Blog Planning Worksheet to guide you through this planning process.


Learn from blogging expert, Linda Dessau, of Content Mastery Guide. Linda Dessau is the author of Write Your Way to More Clients Online, and the founder of Content Mastery Guide. She is a business blogging expert, editor and author, and a writing coach certified by the Coaches Training Institute. She discovered content marketing when promoting her own coaching business in 2003, and launched this business in 2005 to help other companies market more effectively online.