Monthly Archives: May 2013

New Product Development

85-95% of New Product Launches fail annually (FORBES article of March 24, 2010 based on approx. 250,000 global launches).

With this daunting figure, we want to do everything right to increase our product’s chance of success. Learn from the expert, Kevin Scanlan, who has over 30 years experience in new product development with enterprises and small business.
In this 30 minute video, you will learn:
– what invention is versus product development
– the importance of a roadmap and the process
– how to scan the environment
– the QUAD approach and the 4 different types of product development
– the components of a product specification
– the Gate process used by the most successful companies out there
– red flags and things to look for during the process
Plus, if you have any other questions you can always contact our expert.


Contact The Expert!

Kevin Scanlan
tel: 905-963-9130

Path Of An Author

Whether your goal is to write a business book, create an anthology, or share your family’s history, this webinar will help you gain some added clarity amidst all the choices available in today’s exciting, ever-changing and often confusing world of publishing.

You’ll learn about the production process, the different kinds of publishing and basic marketing. Most importantly, you will be encouraged to think what it is that you want—and how to go about getting it!

Enjoy Sheri’s fresh approach, as she shares excellent information and tools that you will be able to use and incorporate immediately.

Above all, Sheri will inspire you to become even more committed to yourself and your work, reminding you of the value of ongoing learning and the dedication of time and patience required to bring about meaningful success . . . . and the importance of surrounding yourself with people who care about your work as much as you do!

Contact The Expert!

By Publisher, Editor, Speaker, Consultant, Author Sheri Andrunyk of I C Publishing


Follow Sheri on Social Media
LinkedIn (Sheri Andrunyk, MNLP, RP)
Twitter (I C Publishing)
Facebook (Insightful Communications Publishing)

Sheri’s Blog geared to authors and entrepreneurs at


Sales Storytelling

Think about the excitement you felt when you first thought about running your own business. Did you dream of financial freedom? More time with your family? Travel to exotic places?
Where has all the excitement gone? Many small business owners experience incredible stress, time pressures and little personal time with loved ones. They realize that their business will collapse if they are absent from it. What started out as a dream has now become a cage.
The transition from a business that is a burden to a business that enables you to have the lifestyle that you dream of is not as difficult as you might think.
Learn to avoid:
•The stress from being the bottleneck in your business.
•The stress of poor cash flow
•The stress from not feeling in control
And how to achieve:
•Financial Freedom
•A business that works for you instead of a business you have to work for
•More time with your loved ones
If you would like to rekindle the dream, watch this video!

Contact The Expert
Adrian Davis

The HST Lowdown

Taxation is a tricky world for most entrepreneurs. How to get started? What tax should you be charging? How does this change by province or country? How and when to remit taxes? What types of rebates are available?

Taxation can be a scary topic, but it is inevitable. So it is better to understand what is required upfront.

What will you learn in this video?
– When to register for HST
– How to do it
– Methods of filing
– Filing periods
– The process of filing and how to do it
– A list of issues that you may encounter and tactics to overcome them

Additional Links

How To Register
Business Registration Online (BRO):
Phone CRA Business Line: 1-800-959-5525

Other Resources

Goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST):

Business Registration Online (BRO):

RC4022    General Information for GST/HST Registrants:

My Business Account:


Expert Contact Information

Ross A. Libbey, CPA, CA
Off: 905-436-6663