Monthly Archives: March 2013

Become A Networking Guru

Networking is a super way to get the word out there about your business. Especially if you are anxious about selling, this is a great first way to try your hand at the sales pitch.


This webinar covers the basics.  But more importantly, opens your eyes to many different tactics that might work better for you personally.


Specific topics include;

– where to network?

– your 30-second super pitch (are they dead?)

– reciprocity and being likeable

– your personal brand and ways to be remembered

– what not to do at a networking event!!

– what to do with those business cards?!

– follow up (the how, the why, the when)


Watch the video to find these answers and more!


Your Expert


Teresa Shaver, Executive Director

Business Advisory Centre Durham

PH:  905.668.4949 x222 . 1.866.632.5151

Email :


Essential Reading for Networking Success:

Work the Pond – Darcy Rezak

Love is the Killer App – Tim Sanders

The Go Giver – Bob Burg

Never Eat Alone – Keith Ferrazzi

Enchantment – Guy Kawasaki

The Art of Mingling – Jeanne Martinet


Apps/Software for Business Organization

Business Card Apps:

Evernote Hello ≈ Cardmunch ≈ CardCloud  ≈ CardFlick ≈ Bump

CRM Software:

Capsule CRM, Insightly, Batchbook. Highrise, Salesforce, Zoho, Sugar

Email Newsletter / Online Marketing:

Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, Email it!, Campayn, Aweber


Weekly To Do’s to build your network:

Send Four Cards a Week:

Handwritten notes every week to those in your network

Make Four Calls a Day:

Even if you leave a voicemail your outreach will be noticed and appreciated

Develop Four new Contacts a Week:

You never know when you’ll make a great new connection for you or for someone in your network.

Play Matchmaker:

The best networkers listen to others, understand their needs and share their resources.


Rules to Live By:


1. Help Everyone

2. Don’t Wait to Be Asked to Help

3. When You Are Asked, Don’t Miss That Opportunity

4. Compliment and Encourage

5. Introduce People

6. Be Friendly

7. Take a Chance

8. Be Open, Don’t Limit Your Friendships

9. Think the Best of People and Try Not to Judge

10. Be Grateful and Express It Often


Increasing Your Profitability

This is one of the most logical and fun webinars you can come to!

You are already in business. Things are picking up. Why not give your business a boost by looking for ways to make it more profitability?!
Isn’t it fun to make more with what you have?  This is increasing your profit.
The learning objectives are;
1. Understand the impact of Costs and Expenses on your Breakeven point.
2. Learn the impact of gross margin and cost mark up methods on your profitability.
3. Build a pricing model to understand the impact of pricing and the affect discounts have on your business
The subject matter expert is Eloise Pasianotto, a Certified FocalPoint Business Coach with 28 years of award winning experience.

Contact the expert!
Eloise Pasianotto, CMA MBA
Call at 289-553-0241

Like the slides?  Improving Your Business’s Profitability.

Making Sense of Customer Loyalty for Small Retail Businesses

The new customer is exciting, but not nearly as important as existing customers. Learn about customer loyalty, how to create it, and new ways to create customer stickiness.


Your customers are mobile, now you can reap the benefits. Join us on to learn about traditional loyalty and how mobile loyalty can impact foot traffic, sales, and marketing. This is especially impactful for small retail business’.


Contact the subject matter experts:

Ahmed El-Kadars

Ovahi Inc.



How Ovahi works:

Twitter’s Best Kept Secrets

The Twitter-verse continues to expand, and too few businesses understand how to leverage it. Many of Twitter’s secrets are revealed in 30 minutes.


What this video covers is;
– how to shorten your links to give yourself more room for your real message
– how to use hashtags and which ones to use? Especially when tweeting for a specific target market
– when is the best time to tweet?
– how to create a tweet that really speaks to your audience? And how to test or improve you tweets?
– how to add pop or entice people to read your tweet? How to stand out?


Allan Pollett, our social media and SEO guru, brings to light the secrets to get you started.


Link to video:


Contact the subject matter expert

Allan Pollett
t: 905-417-9470


Other videos to check out

LinkedIn by Allan Pollett:
Social SEO by KBQ:
Using Blogging To Grow Your Business by Linda Dessau: