Category Archives: Management & Human Relations

Hiring people, leading people, and managing people.

Writing a Business Plan to Get What You Want!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. That’s why why writing a business plan is the best first step you can take toward making your dream of owning a successful small business a reality.

In this recording of our “Writing a Business Plan to Get What You Want!” you’ll webinar, you’ll learn about what you need to think about as you draft a business plan, including the sections you must include.

Decide For Whom You are Writing a Business Plan

Your plan will look very different depending on who will be reading it. Potential readers might include:

  1. Yourself
  2. A bank
  3. Potential investors
  4. Potential partners

If you’re writing a business plan for yourself, you’ll include different information than you will for anyone else. Similarly, a bank may want different information than a potential partner.

Write the Business Overview

The Business Overview is the section to include the following things:

  1. A description of The Opportunity
  2. A summary of why what you offer is a solution
  3. A desciption of your target market
  4. The unique aspect of your business that gives you a competitive advantage over other businesses in your niche
  5. A brief summary of how you plan to keep that advantage

The Business Overview paints a picture of your business at a point in time.

Write the Vision Section

In the Vision Section, paint a picture of how you see your business in the future. Include details about:

  1. Where you see your company in 3 – 5 years
  2. Your ultimate goal for your business
  3. A description of your exit strategy

The reader will appreciate that you have thought about the future.

Write the Marketing Research Section

Drafting this section is a very important part of writing a business plan. Consider including:

  1. Descriptions of the industry trends, consumer trends, and wider general trends (government, economic, technology) that may impact your products;
  2. Your business’ main competitors and their potential impact.

It’s worth taking time to do any necessary research to write this part of your plan.

Write the Sales Projections Section

The webinar recording goes into how to calculate the sales projections that you should include when writing a business a plan.

Write the Management Team Section

In this section, describe why you, as the owner, are the best person to launch your business, given your support team and contacts.

Write the Marketing and Sales Strategy

Discuss your plan to get the word out about products given factors such as:

  1. Price
  2. Location
  3. Size of area to be covered
  4. Marketing budget
  5. Projected sales

If you need help with this part of writing a business plan our Marketing Solver tool can get you started #ShamelessPersonalPlug

Write the Operations Section

The Operations section is a discussion of issues like processes and delivery. You might want to include details about:

  1. How you’ll track processes to ensure completion
  2. Who handles human resources issues like hiring, scheduling, etc.
  3. The processes in place to handle human resource issues

Nailing down processes is dry work, but necessary. Take the time to protect your employees and yourself and get them in place.

Write the Action Steps Section

Discuss the company’s goals. Break them down into three levels:

  1. Today’s Goals
  2. Short Term Goals
  3. Long Term Goals

Again, this shows that you’ve given thought to your company’s position at the moment and to the direction in which you’d like it to go.

Write the Financial Projections Section

Use this section to demonstrate that the business is financially viable and sustainable over the long-term.

The Last Part of Writing a Business Plan: The Executive Summary

Yes, you write this section last…but it’s the first thing reader sees! Make it compelling! It should make the reader want to keep reading. Are you ready to start writing a business plan?

Was this useful? Watch more of our webinars on our YouTube Channel!

Business Clarity Questions for Small Business

The New Year is a great time to plan to ramp up your business.

Getting ready for 2015 involves getting your business ready with a solid foundation to move forward. Your foundation is based on answering these 7 critical questions.

In 20 minutes, walk through the business clarity questions and answer them for your business. Make your 2015 more impactful!

Contact the Expert

Charles McFarland

SBS Clarity 14 Jan 2015

Hiring for Newbies

Hiring is an exciting time for small business owners. It means that you are growing. And if you keep on reaching your targets and exceeding your targets, this is a natural next step in your business.

This video will help you overcome many of the challenges and pitfalls that normally occur through the hiring process, plus it will give you some bonus tips.

Topics covered include;
– fears surrounding hiring
– the total costs of hiring
– the total costs of firing
– top mistakes to avoid
– how & where to post your job posting
– how to screen resumes and top things to look for
– importance of pre screening and how to do it
– interviews and how to identify liars
– reference checks
– why will recruits sign up and stay with an organization

Contact The Expert
Meredith Arnot

Guaranteed Better Than The Rest

Differentiating your small business and continuing to improve your business are two key pieces of being better than the rest.

But how do you get this in motion? Where do you start?

In 15 minutes we walk through two key objectives;
1. Ensuring that you are making time to work on your business rather than in it
2. Outlining 5 key ways to differentiate your business and how to do this

Contact the Expert

Eloise Pasianotto

Who Do You Need In Your Business?

Starting your own business takes a lot of work and activity! It is crazy to think you can do everything yourself.

But who do you need and when do you need them? Be prepared to find these people or if you have them keep them for when you need them.

People are the most important resources out there, so make sure that you are managing them well.

Topics that are covered are;
– Who do you need as a technology company? What is the best practices for this type of structure?
– Who do you need as a service business? What are some of the specific challenges that are faced here?
– Who do you need as a manufacturer? How do you ensure that you will continue to grow and not become overwhelmed?

Contact The Expert

The Small Business Solver Team

Need to Know HR for Small Business

Hiring and managing employees and contractors as a small business owner has many unknown hazards ahead.

In 30 minutes learn about the most common HR mistakes and how to avoid them. What are the steps to take in some of these situations?

Do you know what to do when you are firing someone?
How much vacation time does someone get?
What is the difference between severance and termination pay?
When and how do you make someone an employee?
Do you know how to hire?

Meredith Arnot

Want to see the presentation? Basic HR for Small Business Slides Only

How To Do A Quarterly Review?

How do we know if we are on track for our yearly goal? How can we ensure that our strategy is working?
Small business owners need to do a quarterly review!
Without a quarterly review we are falling into the trap of working in our business and not on it. All of our activities become tasks rather than things that will help our business grow.
This video walks through:
1. Why is a review so critical? What are the reasons why our quarterly review might be higher or lower than we expected? What are the reasons why we might have to tweak the rest of our annual plan?
2. Super quick overview of strategic planning
3. How to do a quarterly review. What to be analyzing and what to be considering for the future.
4. Best practices and the top things to avoid when executing a strategic plan.

Contact The Expert
The Small Business Solver Team
Additional Resources
Like the PowerPoint? how do to a quarterly review
Want a template to use for your quarterly review? Quarterly-Review-MODEL

Universal Management Principles

It is impossible to be good at everything. In this webinar, SEF Canada teaches us that we don’t have to be!!
Success lies in understanding that all of the functions of a business can never be done perfectly by one person. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. By knowing what you are best at and what you love, you will simply be more successful.
What do you love to do? Isn’t that what you should be doing if you are starting your own business?
Here are the main buckets of skill sets that you need to have in your business. Now that you know, you can get started in the right direction.

Contact the Expert
Suzette McFaul
SEF Canada

Finding Time For Yourself

Finding time for yourself is critical in running your business for a ton of different reasons.
1. It helps you perform better when you are working.
2. It increases personal satisfaction.
3. It allows for worklife balance and overall satisfaction.
4. It prevents burnout which is one of the leading causes of business failure.
5. It is better for your personal well being and health.
When all is said and done, making time for yourself could be the difference between business success and failure.

Contact The Expert
Elise Manolakos
About Elise: Her main inspiration comes from providing physiotherapy treatments to long-term care patients and living with her 85 year old Greek grandmother.

A quote that keeps her going: “Thinking is easy, acting is difficult and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.” – Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Like the Slides?  Making time for yourself

Who To Hire

As you grow your business, one of the first things that you start doing is hiring employees. Hiring right the first time is critical as it impacts your sales, customer service, your ability to hire others, your brand image, and maybe even the survival of your business.

The expert for this webinar is Marci Schnapp, a Workplace Futurist, Executive Search and Strategic Human Infrastructure Consultant is responsible for TeamQuest Systems vision of being a premier Teamability®-based Executive Search and Human Infrastructure Solutions firm.



Contact Your Expert
Marci Schnapp


Want the PowerPoint? Who to Hire