Tag Archives: sales training

The Secret To Getting More Sales

The Secrete to Getting More Sales is all about following these 7 keys steps:
1. Do pre-contact research
2. Tell better stories
3. Ask better questions
4. Get commitment
5. Get broader agreement
6. Influence the influencers
7. Justify the cost
Great 35-minute video that will make a huge difference in how you look at sales!

Contact the Expert
Adrian Davis

Cold Calling Basics (Part 1)

Cold calling is the most cost effective way to develop new leads for a small business owner selling business to business (B2B) or business to government (B2G). Even with all social media options, search engine optimization, and so many other marketing tools available to a small business owner – cold calling and telemarketing still wins out.


Unfortunately it is also the most hated way to get business. People are often scared of even picking up the phone for the first call. But if it is the most cost effective way to get new business, it is important to learn how to improve your odds.


The top 10 tips that are covered are;
– how to be a human rather than a robot when telemarketing
– when in doubt, put yourself in your customer’s shoes
– why honesty is truly the best policy
– how to keep your energy and optimism up
– when to call your target prospect
– how often to call your target prospect
– what makes a bad lead list and what are the red flags that your lead list stinks
– what information should you be keeping and tracking about your customers?
– should you be scared of gatekeepers and tactics to get to the person you want



Expert Contact Information

Carla Langhorst


Like the PowerPoint? cold calling basics