Tag Archives: brainstorming

Let Your Creativity Out!

As a small business owner we need creativity to help us with product development, creating new ideas in our business, and to stay ahead of the competition.
Sometimes we think that other people are the creative ones and that this is not a strength that we have ourselves. But that is not true! Everyone has creativity inside of them, they just need to know the tools and how to recognize it in yourself.
This video outlines the three major steps of creativity:
1. Brainstorming. Some different tactics to approach brainstorming and tools that you should try out. A lot of times it is as simple as starting to write things down.
2. Prioritization. Once you have a bunch of ideas it is important to figure out which ones are the best ideas or what order you can actually approach them. Everyone has a limitation on time and money, so prioritization becomes important.
3. Implementation. Once you’ve decided on the ideas, action becomes necessary. Many times people want to wait and make things perfect, but often it is good to get your MVP (minimum viable product) out there to begin your testing.
At the end of the video, there are additional tips and tricks, as well as an example of where creativity has made a huge difference.

Contact The Expert
Sheri Andrunyk