Social Distancing and Small Business Coaching? No Problem!

Business coaches like to use face-to-face contact in especially their relationships with their small business clients, to help them fully realize their potential and set and work toward goals. Reliance on in-person contact in a time of social distancing and physical isolation creates a significant challenge!

But not one you can’t overcome, business coaches.

Use Small Business Solver to Coach While Following Social Distancing Protocols

Social Distancing theme with surgical medical face masks

Small Business Solver is built for business coaching in the age of social distancing. Watch our “Small Business Coaching During Physical Distancing” webinar to learn how to use Small Business Solver’s ecoaching platform and your favourite web conferencing tool (Zoom, Skype, or whatever you use) to meet with clients and coach them without either of you having to leave your home or office.

Together you can:

  1. Evaluate the client’s training needs based on the stage in which their small business currently operates.
  2. Assign them Small Business Solver training modules to complete for your next meeting. You can even email them the links to the modules and instructions on how to create an account (or our emails so that they can email us for instructions) so that they have no excuse for not doing their homework!
  3. As they complete each module, have them download the Put in Practice worksheet, complete it, and email it to you. Not only will you keep tabs on whether they’re doing their homework, but you can also review their sheets and see if they’re grasping the material! These modules and Put in Practice worksheets are available for hundreds of topics, so your clients can learn a lot this way – check out the video for an overview of what’s available!
  4. With the Small Business Solver plan for business coaches, you have access to a Coaches’ Corner in over 100 of the modules that helps you with your 1-on-1 coaching sessions. Your clients get more out of the platform and out of their coaching relationship with you, and they’re happier with the service you provide…win-win! Check out the video for more details and contact Carla at to talk about accessing Coaches’ Corner.

Face-to-face interaction during coaching is nice, and getting back to it will be great. While social distancing is necessary, it’s not a the moment. But you have options for providing support to small businesses that need desperately support to stay on their feet, and we’re happy to help.

Please stay safe and healthy!

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