
What is your visibility factor? Do people even know that you’re in business?

A shocking number of companies leave marketing solely to word-of-mouth, when the only way to obtain new customers is to use all the marketing tools at your disposal. You must maximize the number of target customers who know about you.

Visibility is all the actions a business takes to ensure potential customers know that it exists, or actions that create word-of-mouth marketing.

Waiting for word-of-mouth marketing to generate significant business requires a long, uphill march, as affected customers tell 30 people about something you did wrong and only three people about something you did well. Waiting for word-of-mouth business instead of actively recruiting customers means:

  1. A longer wait for your first sale
  2. An even longer wait for sales income
  3. An increased risk of running out of cash.

If you run out of cash, you’re out of business, so beware!

Review this module if you:

  1. Just started a business or are trying to spread word on the street about your business.
  2. Don’t have enough customers in your sales funnel
  3. Want to expedite word-of-mouth marketing
  4. Have family members or close friends that still don’t know you have your own business. If your family and friends don’t know what you do, you don’t have enough visibility.

Topic Objective: To understand how to increase visibility with your target market.

Your Outcome: More people who know about you and your business.

Learn More About Visibility


Cartoon. Black businesswoman jumps happily. She wears blue pants, a white blouse, and a green jacket and shoes. Keyword: finding good suppliers and partners

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